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Standards are an essential tool to contribute to and facilitate the implementation of public policies, but also to accompany the development of off-grid solar energy to ensure its sustainability and continuous improvement.

It is in this context that GIZ, through a request from ANER, financed the development and adoption of 45 standards in the field of solar photovoltaic energy by the Senegalese Association for Standardization through the National Electro technical Committee (CEN-SN).

Thus, the adoption of these standards is part of the implementation of the National Quality Policy (NQP), adopted by Decree No. 2017 - 461 of 21 March 2017 and whose general objective is to establish a framework for the development of an internationally recognized National Quality Infrastructure (NQI).


The objectives of the workshop are:

To submit to the National Electro technical Committee the draft standards (IEC international standards) already validated in the Committee phase;

Collect the final opinion of the CEN after analysis and examination of the results of the public enquiry;

Proceed to the approval of the draft standards for homologation as Senegalese standards


The expected results of the workshop are

The members of the Senegalese National Electro technical Committee (CEN) reviewed the list of IEC international standards already validated in the committee phase;

The preliminary draft standards, after examination and analysis of the observations and comments from the public enquiry (if any), are validated by the National Electro technical Committee;

CEN members have approved the draft standards for solar equipment