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The Senegalese Association for Standardization (ASN), which we have the honor to lead, is proud to count you among its many partners.

The areas of intervention of ASN are:


1. The development of national standards;

2. Promoting quality;

3. certification of product compliance with standards;

4. Consulting assistance;

5. Quality training;

6. Information on national, international, regional standards.


Aware of the importance of standardization and its related areas mentioned above, ASN has proposed a strategic plan to the stakeholders based around a vision, "To establish a National Quality Policy based on standardization as a vector of sustainable development", the results of which are commendable.

This vision is accompanied by strategic objectives, namely:

Contribute to making the Senegalese economy more competitive as indicated in the various national and sub-regional policy documents;

Coordinate State policy in the specific area of ​​quality;

Assist the private sector and more particularly SMEs-SMIs, in areas relating to quality;

Provide support for consumer protection;

Develop state-private sector-consumer association synergies;

Integrate into the cooperation projects and programs of regional/international partners.

ASN aims to raise standardization and related fields to the rank of national priorities, given the fact that it can make a concrete contribution to national emergence.


This ambition will be possible with the cooperation of the various actors that are the technical services of the Administration, the Industrialists, the associations of consumers, the laboratories, the researchers, the general public, the Civil Society…)


Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.


Mr. El Hadj Abdourahmane NDIONE