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List of CT3 Technical Committees

 Agrifood Technical Committee

CT3/SCT1 Technical Sub-Committee N°1 General

CT3/SCT2 Technical Sub-Committee N°2 Materials used in agriculture

CT3/SCT3 Technical Sub-Committee N°3 Products of animal and vegetable origin

TC3/SCT4 Technical Sub-Committee N°4 Processed Food Products

Workshop - Validation study National Laboratories Policy

A virtual workshop was organized on Monday, December 20, 2021, with a view to carrying out the technical validation of the study relating to the development of the National Laboratory Policy commissioned by UNIDO and carried out by Mr. Aboubacry BARO, Consultant in Quality Infrastructure and Adviser to the Director General of ASN in the implementation of the National Quality Policy adopted by Decree of the President of the Republic, No. 2017 – 461.

This Policy is based on the UNIDO Guide for the Development of Regional and National Quality Policies.

The workshop recorded about fifty participants representing most of the laboratories installed in Senegal.

The study took stock of laboratories in all sectors by classifying them under 4 axes, namely human health laboratories, food safety and animal health analysis laboratories, applied research laboratories and finally the other test and calibration laboratories.

Difficulties relating, among other things, to insufficient resources (financial, human, material), access to reagents and appropriate maintenance services, training, insufficient qualified technicians in the field, access to reagents, etc. were highlighted and a quantified action plan proposed.

This meeting also allowed the CEO of SOAC - WAAS WEST AFRICAN ACCREDITATION SYSTEM to make an intervention and to review the various results of the regional accreditation organization.

It should be emphasized that this Policy is a guidance document which should make it possible to better articulate and coordinate the mobilization of the resources necessary for the development of a national laboratory infrastructure recognized both regionally and internationally for the sustainable preservation of population health, economic, social and environmental development of Senegal.

Monday, January 17, 2022