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On the instruction of the Head of State, since 1996, a National Quality Prize entitled "National Oscar for Quality" has been established and intended to reward and honor companies established in Senegal whose efforts and results obtained in the area of ​​supplying quality goods and services and quality management are particularly noteworthy.

Price Reference:

The basic criteria of the Price Reference are based on the ISO 9001 / ISO 9004 standards in their current version, and specific regional criteria favoring integration.

Main objective:

Promote quality and recognize the merits of successful companies.

Specific objectives:

Promote quality; Encourage the quality approach in public, community and private organizations; Improve the competitiveness and quality of Senegalese products and services; Enhance the quality performance and brand image of the best organizations; Increase the satisfaction of customers and all interested parties.

Advantages :

The National Quality Award is a tool for promoting quality within Senegalese companies.

The PNQ is a means of self-assessment, of its management system, for companies that participate in it at a lower cost. Communication around the Price. Award given to winners.

The PNQ encourages companies to embark on the implementation of a Quality approach. Recognition of companies and public and community organizations in the WAEMU and ECOWAS space.

Business category: Categories C / small business 1 to 20 people;

Category B / medium-sized company 21 to 100 people; Category A / large company More than 100 people; Participation level:

Level 4: “Diamant” Prize, also called “Excellence”; Level 3: “Or” Prize, also called “Encouragement to Excellence;

Level 2: “Argent” Prize, also called “Quality Control”; Level 1: “Bronze” Prize, also called “Commitment to Quality;

At the ECOWAS Regional level: The national winners of the Excellence Award in each category

 (A, B, C) compete for the ECOWAS Quality Award in the same category.

The technical secretariat of the Quality Prize is provided by the ASN.