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With funding from the African Development Bank (AFDB) through PAIMRAI, the ASN is organizing two capacity building sessions for members of technical standardization committees from 7 to 8 July 2021 and from 12 to 14 July 2021. This activity is part of the implementation of the action plan of the National Quality Policy in its "Standardization" component.

This workshop aims at reinforcing the capacities of the TC members by recalling

The principles and bases of standardization

                    - The role of standardization

 - The standardization bodies

The role of experts within the technical standardization committees

   - The standardization process at national level   

- The standardization process at international level

  - The public enquiry

The CTE - Comity Technique d' Establishment in the hospital civil service: meetings - quorum - agenda - vote - minutes - training of members | CGT des Hospitalizes d' Antibes