Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Environnement de programmation d'automatisation de fabrication (MAPLE) — Partie 2: Services et interfaces
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This part of ISO 13281 specifies a minimum set of services to be provided and interface requirements for creating a
MAPLE. The specifications in this part of ISO 13281 are specifically for software developers of MAPLE
environments, system integrators, and software tool developers. Specifications that address the needs of users
such as program developers, planners and operators in a manufacturing automation environment are outside the
scope of this document.
This part of ISO 13281 only specifies the interface at the application layer between MAPLE and software programs.
The creation or deletion of a Manufacturing Database, as well as specifications for the MAPLE Data Dictionary and
MAPLE Software Dictionary beyond the dictionary definition schema, are outside the scope of this part of
ISO 13281.